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Prime Bank declares Tk 2cr relief package for flood-affected people

Prime Bank announced a financial relief package worth Tk 2 crore for the flood-affected people of different districts.
The bank held an emergency board meeting today in response to the severe flood situation currently affecting various districts of the country, the bank said in a press release.
The aid will be directed to the chief adviser’s relief and welfare fund to ensure that the relief reaches those most in need.
The board of directors of the bank expressed their deep concern and heartfelt sympathy for those affected by the devastating floods.
During the meeting held virtually, the bank reaffirmed its commitment to support and stand beside the people of Bangladesh in times of national crisis.
As part of its ongoing efforts to support the community, the board approved a relief package worth Tk 2 crore.
“We are deeply saddened by the loss of lives and the impact of the floods on our citizens,” said Tanjil Chowdhury, chairman of Prime Bank.
“As a responsible corporate entity, it is our duty to extend our support to the affected families. We believe that our contribution will help reinforce the ongoing efforts to provide immediate relief and ensure the safety and well-being of those affected.”
Prime Bank remains committed to partnering with the government and relevant stakeholders to ensure effective assistance and will continue to closely monitor the situation, the press release said.
